The Perrott Hill Plodders - Perrott Hill

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The Perrott Hill Plodders

Some exciting news to share on behalf of our ‘parents and friends’ cricket team, The Perrott Hill Plodders… At their recent match against Hardington and West Coker at North Perrott Cricket Club, the Headmaster presented John Grundy with his cap as newly appointed President of The Plodders. John is the son of Perrott Hill’s founder, Mr Bill Grundy, and a lifelong cricket fan. Needless to say, the team are delighted to have John on board. Soon after, Sparkford CC was the venue for The Plodders’ inaugural fixture against The Sandpipers. Thank you to Sparkford for allowing the team to use their ground and for bringing out the bunting! Last week saw not one but two Plodders’ matches against Bow House Cricket Club at Sherborne School and then v The Port Rejects at North Perrott CC.

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28th June 2022