Standing Tall - Perrott Hill

Our next Open Day is on Saturday 22nd March 2025 Click here for information

Standing Tall

Year 7 and 8 pupils enjoyed a wonderful Standing Tall event last week. They started with workshops in deportment, first impressions, modern manners and social graces, followed by a sit down meal with a set menu. We are so impressed with the way in which our pupils handled themselves and were delighted to receive an email from the Director of Standing Tall saying: “Please thank your catering staff for their joyous enthusiasm – what a wonderful reflection they are of just how great Perrott is. To be honest, there is nowhere quite like it and we go to hundreds of different schools and businesses all over the UK and abroad. The atmosphere at your school is one of huge warmth and just so welcoming. Thank you all.” Once again, we are proud to be Perrott.

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27th May 2018