Pre-Prep Curriculum - Perrott Hill

Our next Open Day is on Friday 16th May 2025 Click here for information


In the Nursery, children learn and develop through practical, play based activities and are supported to try a wide variety of activities and share their experiences with each other.

Great emphasis is placed on encouraging the children to support each other and ‘to learn how to learn’. Children make a seamless transition to the separate Reception class where further solid foundations are laid in preparation for the more formal style of learning in Year 1.

In Years 1 and 2, the main focus of each morning is English and mathematics, with geography, history, science and RE in the afternoons. The children are taught by specialist teachers for Art, ICT, French and Music and all Year 2 pupils learn the violin as part of our Year 2 Strings Programme. We have a well-stocked library and a popular Accelerated Reading Scheme, and all children in Years 1 and 2 have 1-1 reading time every day.

All Pre-Prep children have a weekly PE and a weekly games lesson with one of our qualified PE staff, and those in Reception to Year 2 attend weekly swimming lessons. In addition, all Pre-Prep children spend an afternoon at our onsite Forest School and lessons often incorporate an outdoor learning element.