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Year 1 in Science

Year 1 have been learning about sounds in Science, varying the output of different instruments by blowing, shaking, scraping and tapping. Thanks, Mrs McKenzie, for a brilliant lesson!

8th June 2018

Equestrian Team Success

A huge well done to the Perrott Hill Equestrian Team for their incredible successes in show jumping at the Royal Bath and West Show this weekend. Not only did the team come 1st in the 80cm, they also triumphed as individuals, with Lola 1st and Anouska 3rd in the 70cm, Marcia 1st and Anouska 2nd in the 80cm, and Ted 3rd in the 90cm. What fantastic achievements, well done to you all.

8th June 2018

The Perrott Hill Children’s Literary Festival

Two days, nearly 200 children – and a conga led by a storyteller with a ukulele… It could only be the Perrott Hill Children’s Literary Festival! The event, which took place during half term and was sponsored this year by Old Mill Accountants and Financial Planners, saw children attending from schools all over the South West, including Hinton St George, Merriott, Broadwindsor, Manor Park, Chilthorne Domer, Maiden Beech, Taunton School and Colyton Grammar School, to name a few. The children, ranging from Year 1 up to Year 8, enjoyed a range of inspirational workshops and masterclasses with award-winning authors, poets and storytellers including Ali Sparkes, Cliff McNish, Tamsin Cooke, Martin Maudsley, The Somerset Youth Theatre, The Poetry Slam, our Head of Art, Tabatha Palmer, and Little Toller Books.


8th June 2018

House Music Competition

What a way to end the half term… That was an exceptional House Music Competition and once again, it was great to see and hear such passion and spirit in our pupils; the theatre roof was well and truly raised! Well done to all our soloists but especially to Ashtyn (voice) and Rose (violin) – and a big shout out to Mendips for their winning performance of This is Me from The Greatest Showman. Many thanks to our adjudicator, David Gorodi from King’s Bruton – and happy half term, one and all.

27th May 2018

Standing Tall

Year 7 and 8 pupils enjoyed a wonderful Standing Tall event last week. They started with workshops in deportment, first impressions, modern manners and social graces, followed by a sit down meal with a set menu. We are so impressed with the way in which our pupils handled themselves and were delighted to receive an email from the Director of Standing Tall saying: “Please thank your catering staff for their joyous enthusiasm – what a wonderful reflection they are of just how great Perrott is. To be honest, there is nowhere quite like it and we go to hundreds of different schools and businesses all over the UK and abroad. The atmosphere at your school is one of huge warmth and just so welcoming. Thank you all.” Once again, we are proud to be Perrott.

27th May 2018

Laser Tag Activity Weekend

Pupils in Years 3-8 enjoyed a brilliant laser tag activity weekend this weekend, with curry in the woods on Saturday night, pancakes for breakfast and a trip to the beach for our boarders on Sunday! Huge thanks to all the staff involved for organising such a fun and memorable weekend.

22nd May 2018

What is Beauty?

As part of their work in philosophy, Year 7 have been wandering the school grounds pondering the question: ‘What is beauty?’ We are so impressed with the work they have subsequently produced; it makes us very proud to be Perrott Hill.

22nd May 2018

Year 3 Accelerated Readers

Well done to the following Year 3 pupils, who were presented with book vouchers in assembly this morning in recognition of their achievements in reading this year: Enna and Harry, who have both read a total of 20 books; Harry and Henry who have read the highest number of words (554,343 and 541,119 respectively); Tilly, who has had the highest number of 100% quizzes via our Accelerated Reader UK scheme (and also came third in the number of words read); Rose, who has made the greatest progress this year and Evie, who has the highest ZPD range. Very well done to you all.

22nd May 2018

Perrott Hill at the IAPS Regatta

What an achievement for our U13 crew, Will and Ed, at the IAPS Regatta in Portland harbour yesterday – they came 10th overall in the RS Zest class, sailing on the same waters as Ben Ainslie when he won Gold in the men’s Finn race at the 2012 Olympics! Our three U11 crews did well in the face of force 6 winds on Wednesday, too – a special shout out to Alistair and Ottilie who made it to the end, coming 7th in the RS Feva class. Well done to you all.

18th May 2018

Summer Term Prefects

We love this photograph of our summer term Head Boy, Head Girl and Prefects, which was taken in the Rose Garden this week. They are extremely worthy ambassadors of the school for their final term.

18th May 2018