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Tatler Schools Guide 2020

We are thrilled with our latest review in the brilliant Tatler Schools Guide 2020 – on sale today! “One parent tells how they fell in love with this school as soon as they set eyes on the boot racks filled with muddy wellies,” it begins, before reporting that children are ‘well-mannered but full of adventure’. It continues: “After one year in post, Head Alex McCullough has much to be proud of: his first term saw the highest number of admissions enquiries in the school’s history and 2019’s leavers won 24 scholarships and awards, including a rugby scholarship to Millfield.” Many thanks to all at Tatler; once again, we are proud to be Perrott!

5th September 2019

Prize Giving

We were honoured to have Dr Dominic Luckett, Headmaster of Sherborne School, as our Guest Speaker at last term’s Prize Giving. Dr Luckett spoke about the joy and wonder of events like this but also the importance of recognising that you don’t have to be one of life’s big prize winners to achieve greatness. It was an inspirational speech with a strong message – thank you, Dominic.

5th September 2019

New Beginnings

As well as waving off our senior pupils at the end of last term, we also said goodbye to these valued members of staff (along with Mr Meadley, Mrs Nagel and Mrs Goss, who are not pictured). Mr Kane deserves a special mention, having been with the school for an incredible 17 years and serving as the Joint Acting Head alongside Mr Silk last year. One particularly memorable moment, according to Mrs Dare on our domestic team, was when he hid in a cupboard in the maths room one day and jumped out on her while she was cleaning the room. “I remember that,” laughs Mr Kane. “It must have been over a decade ago…” So what is he going to miss the most? “Everything!” he says. “From the changing seasons to the actual manor house; I have a great respect for how old it is and how well it has looked after generations of children, staff and parents. Most of all though, I will miss the people – the children, the staff, the parents and the community of North Perrott.” Thank you for everything, Mr Kane, and thank you to each of our departing staff members for playing their part in making Perrott Hill the small but mighty school it is today. We are now looking forwarding to welcoming new staff and families for the start of the academic year on Monday!

4th September 2019

Hadrian’s Wall Trip

Our Year 6 pupils  enjoyed the most incredible Latin trip to Hadrian’s Wall at the start of the summer holidays. As well as visiting Segedunum and getting to see the excavated fort from the 35 metre high viewing tower (wow!), they experienced what life was like at one of the Roman Empire’s most northern outposts and took in some amazing Roman reconstructions at Arbeia Roman Fort in South Shields. They also visited the wonderful Housesteads Roman Fort and were at Vindolanda (The Roman Army Museum, where they had a Latin lesson with holographic teacher from the past, Velius Longus!) when the team uncovered a beautiful little oil lamp from the Antonine excavation. What a phenomenal week of bringing Latin to life… Our biggest thanks to Mr Patrick, Mr and Mrs McCullough and Ms Williams – and to all at Mowden Hall School for letting us stay there. A truly unforgettable four days.

4th September 2019

The Melplash Show

What a pleasure to see so many past, present and future Perrott Hillians and friends at The Melplash Show at the end of August. The atmosphere was incredible! Bravo to everyone involved; we’re looking forward to next year already.

4th September 2019

Expedition Day

Years 3 to 6 enjoyed a great day of fun and adventure on Monday, as part of our annual Expedition Day. Year 3 went to Crealy Theme Park in Devon, Years 4 and 5 went to the Dorset Water Park and Year 6 went to Splashdown in Poole (minus a camera!). Many thanks to everyone involved in making these trips possible and to all our staff for such a brilliant year of academic, creative and sporting success.

15th July 2019

Tuneful Tots Party

After another brilliant year of our Tuneful Tots music classes for 0-3 year olds, the children and parents headed down to our Forest School for their end-of-year party. As well as eating cake and warming their feet (Ed!), they made leaf art, explored the dens and blew bubbles – all with the help of our Year 2 children, who were so lovely with the little ones. The biggest thanks to our inspirational music teacher, Miss Greenwood, to our amazing Forest School leader, Ms Bresland, and to all our parents and toddlers who come along to make music every week. There are now a few spaces free for September – please email for further info.

15th July 2019

Year 8 Dinner Dance

Our Year 8s had their Leavers’ Dinner Dance recently and it was, in the words of one parent, ‘magic’. Many thanks to Mrs Palmer and Perrott parent, Deborah Johnson, for the incredible pics (the full album can be seen on our Facebook and Instagram pages) and here’s to the next adventure. We’re going to miss this brilliant bunch…

15th July 2019

Pre-Prep Sports Day

We are so proud of our Pre-Prep children, who took part in a brilliant Sports Day in the beautiful sunshine on Saturday. Many thanks to our Director of Sport, Mr Sheldon, our Pre-Prep staff and to Miss White, Mr Sutherland, Mr Percival and Miss Hand, who have all been working with the children in the run up. It was heartwarming to see so many Prep pupils and Old Perrott Hillians cheering the children on, too! Well done, team.

10th July 2019

John Hollands’ Talk

We were privileged to welcome author and war time evacuee, John Hollands, to Perrott Hill last week for a hugely insightful talk to Year 6 about his memories of life during World War Two. John also judged the model Anderson shelters the children have been making as part of a cross-curricular art, history and DT project and pronounced Poppy as the winner. Well done, Poppy!

10th July 2019