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Pre-Prep Pirates

Ahoy, me hearties! Our EYFS children are following the theme of pirates in their curriculum work this term, with lots of treasure to dig for and language to learn. The classrooms even have their own pirate ships… Thanks to our amazing Pre-Prep staff for the inspiration. If you’d like to come and see for yourself what makes our Pre-Prep so special, please book into one of our Open Mornings, which take place in January, May and October.

17th January 2020

OPH Football Match

During the holidays, we welcomed some OPHs back to school for a game of football, followed by a meal at The Winyard’s Gap. Between them, they now attend Harrow, Radley, King’s Bruton, Queen’s College Taunton, Marlborough and Millfield – but this is where it all started! It was great to have you back, boys.

17th January 2020

Happy New Year!

The excitement has been well and truly in the air this week and what a treat to hear so many tales of Christmas magic! The Headmaster’s assembly on Monday morning was all about New Year’s resolutions, with Mr McCullough putting forward the following suggestions: smile at someone, listen to someone, sit next to someone you don’t usually sit next to at lunch and play with someone different at break time. It’s been heartwarming to see the children putting these positive messages to good use already… Welcome back, everyone.

17th January 2020

Prize Giving

Prize Giving at Perrott Hill is always a triumphant occasion and this year’s ceremonies (Pre-Prep on Friday and Prep on Saturday) were fit to bursting with achievement and success. Congratulations to the prize winners and to all our pupils for the progress they have shown this term, both individually and as teams. The celebrations ended in style on Saturday with a magical Service of Carols and Readings at St Bartholomew’s Church in Crewkerne. Well done to our readers, singers and musicians (including the incredible staff and parent choir!) and thank you to our Director of Music, Mr Shortman, and Reverend Jonathan Morris – it really was a jubilant and uplifting service. Finally, a special thank you to our Headmaster, Mr McCullough, and to all our staff for yet another busy and buzzy term. Merry Christmas, everyone!

17th December 2019

The Christmas Show

This year’s Christmas Show was a cracker, with everything from Strictly Come Prancing to Harry and Kai’s hilarious newsreader sketch. We’re still laughing! It was a real treat to see so many OPHs in the audience (shout out to Rafe for helping with the photography) and well done to all the children and staff who took part, especially to our wonderful compères Jemima, Amelia and Seb. Finally, huge thanks to the legend that is Mr Coverdale for not only organising the event, but supporting and encouraging the children to take part. Proud to be Perrott.

17th December 2019

School Elections

We were delighted to welcome BBC Somerset to the hustings for our school general election yesterday, as five pupils battled it out on behalf of their chosen political party. Very well done to Anton, Ronnie, Ruby, Evie and Sebastian for delivering thoughtful and passionate responses to questions on everything from the economy and education to Brexit and the NHS – and well done to the winner, Anton’s Green Party, with 44% of the overall vote. “I am really pleased to have won and hope this shows how engaged young people are with the environment,” he said this morning. Well done, Anton, and many thanks to the mastermind behind it all, our very own Fiona Bruce, Mr Patrick!

13th December 2019

Latin Revision at Perrott

Latin revision with a difference! The Year 8s had great fun playing their own handmade board games in Latin this week – but there was a catch. In order to take their turn, they had to answer a Latin question (taken from this term’s mock exams) correctly. Quis Latinam esse tediosam dixit… Gratias, Magister Patrick.

13th December 2019

Care Home Carols

Our singers, musicians and boarders paid a return visit to the residents of the West Abbey Care Home in Yeovil last week, for a wonderful evening of carols. It was magical to see the residents singing along with the children – and well done to those who performed solos. Many thanks to Madame Brooks, Mr Shortman and Mr Whalley for leading the trip and to everyone at the West Abbey Care Home for welcoming our pupils once again. We are looking forward to our next visit already…

11th December 2019

Pre-Prep Nativity

The biggest well done to our amazing Pre-Prep children, who shone like stars in last week’s nativity. From the stellar acting and incredible singing (shout out to Mary and Joseph!) to the hilarious performances from the French visitors, the snoring shepherds and the dancing sheep, every child performed their role with aplomb. Many thanks to Ms Williams and our wonderful Pre-Prep staff including director extraordinaire, Mr Edgar, to Mr Shortman and his band and to all the staff involved in lighting and set design behind the scenes. But most of all, thank you to the children for a truly unforgettable performance; we couldn’t be prouder of you all if we tried.

11th December 2019

Recycled Fashion Show

Pupils in Years 3-6 turned old newspapers into clothes for a Recycled Fashion Show this week, to celebrate a fantastic term of learning in Eco Club. From ballgowns to warrior outfits, the creativity on display was awesome! Big thanks to Mrs Layfield for providing bags of inspiration throughout the year.

11th December 2019