Marking Remembrance Day - Perrott Hill

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Marking Remembrance Day

Staff and pupils from Years 3 to 8 gathered in St. Martin’s Church today, for a special service to mark Remembrance Day.

The local Minister Ian Stobart welcomed children with a reading from John 14.27, before everyone stood to sing I Vow to Thee, My Country.

A wreath was laid by Heads of School Willoughby and Xanthe, then Joe played The Last Post before we all observed a two-minute silence.

During his address, our guest speaker Major (Retd) Sid Keyte spoke about his time in the army, and what Remembrance Day means to him. “This day always reminds me to live my life to the fullest”, he told the congregation, “Which I am sure, those who have sadly lost their lives in war, would want us to do.”

The Senior Choir performed a passage from Bach’s St Matthew Passion, and prayers were led by Prefects Louisa and Peppy alongside the Headmaster, before the second and final hymn Abide With Me.

“Today’s service was a poignant and moving event,” commented Deputy Head Mr Silk. “It concludes a programme of learning, across the curriculum, designed to further enhance the children’s understanding of this annual commemoration.”

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11th November 2024