Learning Support - Perrott Hill

Our next Open Day is on Friday 16th May 2025 Click here for information

Learning Support

All children require support with their learning at some stage or another. This can be achieved in many ways including a few carefully worded questions, some additional help in break times with subject teachers, individually tailored work or one to one specialist support.

Our Learning Support Department provides help throughout this spectrum of support. This includes helping the teaching team to differentiate their curriculum, providing appropriate materials, making sure all staff are aware of individual learning differences and facilitating discussions with staff and parents based on detailled assessments.

We are very flexible in our approach and teaching ranges from supporting a child within the class – this is particularly useful for mathematics to one to one lessons. Pupils who require more targeted support than that which can be provided within the class may visit the department. Disruption to the main curriculum lessons is kept to a minimum. All additional support is charged at the relevant rate.

Through communication with teachers, pupils and parents, we can ensure the best possible provision for a pupil’s specific needs. At the heart of all our lessons is the building of confidence.