Inspections and Policies - Perrott Hill

Our next Open Day is on Friday 16th May 2025 Click here for information

School Inspections

In January 2022, a team of four inspectors visited Perrott Hill and we are very pleased and proud to have been awarded ‘excellent’ for pupils’ personal development and ‘good’ for pupils’ achievement. Some highlights from the report include:

“Pupils have excellent oral communication skills; they are articulate and express themselves clearly.”

“Pupils develop high levels of self-esteem and self-confidence nurtured by staff who know each pupil extremely well and treat them with kindness and respect.”

“Pupils show excellent attitudes to learning across the school, including significant initiative and independence in the majority of subjects.”

“Pupils achieve notable academic recognition, as exemplified by the number of scholarships that pupils gain to their chosen senior schools, supported by specialist teaching.”

“Boarding pupils reflect positively on the contribution boarding makes to their increased confidence and readily take advantage of the opportunities available to them in the evenings.”

The pupils’ behaviour is excellent, and they are considerate and courteous to each other as well as adults around them.”

You can read the full report here.

The 2017 Regulatory Compliance Inspection Report is available to read here.

School Policies

Please click on the links below to download our school policies.

Admissions Policy
Attendance Policy and Procedure
Assessment and Examination Policy
Behaviour and Exclusion Policy
Boarding Mission Statement
Curriculum Policy
Complaints Policy
Counter-Bullying Policy
Dogs Procedure
Data Retention Policy
EAL Policy
Educational Guardianship Policy
Educational Trips and Activities Policy
Equality and Diversity Policy
Equal Opportunities Policy
E-safety Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Marking and Feedback
Medical Policy
Mobile Phones Policy
PSHE & SRE Handbook and Policy
Pupils’ Acceptable Use Policy
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
School Aims
Social Media Policy
Special Educational Needs and Children with Disabilities Policy
Staff Acceptable Use Policy
Teaching and Learning Policy