House Poetry Competition - Perrott Hill

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House Poetry Competition

Friday’s House Poetry Recitations Competition saw pupils in Years 1-8 battle it out for the coveted House Poetry Cup. Following a bevy of standout individual performances and some excellent House recitations, Brendons reigned victorious overall (although were pipped to the post in the House performance by Mendips’ brilliant and original rendition of ‘I’ll Be There For You’ by David Crane and Marta Kauffman). Huge congratulations to all the pupils who took part, with a special mention to EYFS for their brilliant pirate song and to Year 5 for entertaining the audience with French and Latin poems, too! Our biggest thanks go to guest judge, Louise Troup from Sherborne Girls, our Head of English, Mrs Byrne, and our amazing House staff for their unswerving inspiration and support.

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15th March 2022