Highly Commended for Alistair - Perrott Hill

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Highly Commended for Alistair

Congratulations to Year 7 pupil Alistair, whose short story ‘Stranded on Mars’ was Highly Commended at the St Mary’s Shaftesbury Born to Write competition this week. “I was staggered by the quality, the standard of writing and the pupils’ willingness to push their imagination,” said BBC journalist and Wellcome Book Prize judge, Razia Iqbal, who presented the prizes. She went on to offer this fantastic piece of advice: “If you have things in your head that you’re not reading, then you’re born to write.” Inspiring words and Alistair is pictured here with Razia and St Mary’s Headmistress, Maria Young. Thank you to you both for a memorable and motivating event.

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8th March 2019