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OPH Success

Great to see this pic of Old Perrott Hillians Charlie and Ollie at the end of season academy festival at Harrow School. We always love hearing news of our OPHs, please send yours through to

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17th May 2018

Perrott reaches the Semi-Finals

Well done to our U11 boys who reached the semi-finals at the Malvern College Cricket Eights today. A hugely enjoyable day with some great opposition – well done to everyone who played and thanks to Malvern for hosting!‬

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17th May 2018

Athletics meet at Clayesmore

A great afternoon of athletics last week at the Clayesmore School Athletics Meet, with lots of personal successes among our pupils. Many thanks to all at Clayesmore for a wonderful day.

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17th May 2018

The Perrott Hill Plodders

What a line up! The Perrott Hill Plodders beat The All Stars in a thriller of a match at the North Perrott Cricket Club last week by just three runs – with the team including OPHs, past and present parents, staff and assorted hangers on. A lasagne supper in the pavilion rounded off a very […]

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16th May 2018

Year 2 Show and Tell

Year 2 had a very cool Show and Tell session yesterday, with Stanley bringing in his motorbike and motocross trophies and George bringing in his drone. A great afternoon all round – and a big well done on your trophies Stan, we are very proud of you!

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2nd May 2018

U8s and U9s cricket coaching

It was great see our Year 3 and 4 pupils enjoying some cricket last week with our Level 2 cricket coach, Mr Bunday. He says: “The fundamental point of coaching children of this age is to instil a long-lasting love of sport, and it’s great to see our U8s and U9s having fun whilst developing […]

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1st May 2018

OPH Tom selected for Somerset

Well done to Old Perrott Hillian Tom, who has been selected to play rugby for the Somerset U15s. Our Director of Sport, Simon Sheldon, has had a lovely email from Tom’s dad, who says: “When Tom arrived at Perrott Hill he had no idea how to play rugby and wasn’t at all interested in it. […]

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18th April 2018

Scholarship success

Hot on the heels of our art, sport, drama and all-rounder scholarships to Blundell’s, Harrow, Taunton, King’s Bruton and Sherborne Girls, we are delighted to announce even more scholarship success, with academic and sports scholarships to King’s College, Taunton and academic, art and drama scholarships to Queen’s College, Taunton. Not only that, but one of […]

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21st March 2018

Perrott U13s at Clayesmore

Well done to our U13s who made it to the Plate final at the Rugby 7s tournament at Clayesmore. Some excellent rugby all round, with all the teams playing well – great work, boys.

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15th March 2018

Year 2 Swimming Gala

Our Pre-Prep pupils enjoyed a great Year 2 Swimming Gala this morning with Sherborne Preparatory School – with some excellent swimming and displays of sportsmanship on both sides. Many thanks to our hosts, we look forward to seeing you again soon!

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7th March 2018