Year 7 Public Speaking Competition - Perrott Hill

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Year 7 Public Speaking Competition

Congratulations to our Year 7 pupils for their fantastic contributions to this year’s Public Speaking Competition. Pupils were asked to imagine that thirteen famous men and woman, whose lives have left a significant legacy, were travelling together in a hot air balloon. Only hours into the flight, a mechanical fault is detected causing the balloon to lose height. Each ‘passenger’ has to argue to save his or her life – and the benefit of their life’s work and discoveries. The finals were held on Thursday and it’s congratulations to Daisy, who won the debate speaking as Martin Luther King, followed by Rose as Rosa Parks and Evie as Aneurin Bevan. Very well done to you all and a huge thank you to our adjudicator, Mr Richard Pyman of Sherborne Prep.

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25th February 2022