October 2022 - Page 2 of 2 - Perrott Hill

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Year 4 Trip to Maiden Castle

Year 4 went on a history trip to Maiden Castle last week to explore the largest and most complex Iron Age hillfort in Britain. As well as learning how the Celts lived in roundhouses and what the hillfort would have looked like 2000 years ago, they got to explore the steep ramparts and search for […]

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4th October 2022

Charity Fundraiser

Pin the tail on the school dog? Yep. Soak the Headmaster? You bet. A teachers’ sack race? It can only be the Perrott Charity Fundraising Morning, featuring a host of pupil-led stalls and events on the Front Terrace. This year, pupils were raising money for Merriott-based charity Prodigal Bikes, which reconditions and ships old bikes […]

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3rd October 2022

Community Action Morning

There were big smiles  as Prep pupils took part in their annual Community Action Morning. Whether they were collecting apples at the Haselbury Plucknett Community Orchard, cleaning St Martin’s Church in North Perrott, helping at the North Perrott Farm Shop or performing at the West Abbey Care Home in Yeovil, the children approached the morning […]

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3rd October 2022