July 2022 - Perrott Hill

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Prize Giving

Friday’s Prize Giving for Years 3-8 took place on the Front Terrace on Friday and what a joyous occasion it was! Well done to all the pupils who won prizes (including those awarded at internal prize giving the day before) and a big thank you to our guest speaker, Bart Wielenga, Headmaster of Blundell’s. Bart […]

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14th July 2022

Year 6 Play

Hats off to our Year 6 pupils who wowed us with their superb production of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ on the Front Terrace last week – it was magical! Special thanks to Dr Berkeley, Mrs Byrne and Mr Shortman, and to all the pupils and staff who helped behind the scenes. These included musicians from […]

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14th July 2022

Class of 2020 Reunion

It was a pleasure to welcome back our 2020 leavers for a get together on the Front Terrace last week. This brilliant group of pupils – who between them went onto 11 different schools including Canford School, Blundell’s, King’s Bruton, Sherborne Girls and Taunton School – missed out on the usual leavers’ events due to […]

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14th July 2022

Pre-Prep Prize Giving

Pre-Prep Prize Giving took place in the Grundy Hall on Friday, with the Year 2 children taking us on a wonderful trip down memory lane. From their first day at school to the friends they have made along the way, they each spoke beautifully as they recited their favourite memory of Pre-Prep. There was singing […]

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12th July 2022

Year 8 Play

Year 8 performed their leavers’ play last week, which was a stellar production of J. Meade Faulkner’s 1898 novel ‘Moonfleet’, adapted for the stage by Mr Shortman. The acting was phenomenal and it felt very special to bring this local story to new audiences at Perrott Hill. Very well done to all our Year 8 […]

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12th July 2022

Grandparents’ Tea Party

One of our favourite events of the year – the much-loved Grandparents’ Tea Party – took place on the Front Terrace last Wednesday. It was such a joy to see the children’s faces as they led their grandparents off around the school, before enjoying a delicious afternoon tea and a short concert by our wonderful […]

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12th July 2022

Years 6 and 7 French Trip

Years 6 and 7 enjoyed a brilliant trip to France recently, where they were hosted by the wonderful Maison Claire Fontaine staff in Burgundy. As well as visiting the towns and villages of Avallon, Flavigny and Vézelay, they also toured le Château de Bussy Rabutin and took part in various workshops and competitions – all […]

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6th July 2022

Year 5 Storytelling Competition

Congratulations to the ten finalists who took part in our annual Year 5 Storytelling Competition in the Library. Pupils had to write and recite their own stories based on Rudyard Kipling’s ‘Just So’ series and it was lovely to see such creativity and imagination on display. Well done to Alvin, Willoughby and Milly who came […]

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6th July 2022

Beaminster Festival

Our senior choir and musicians took to the stage at the Beaminster Festival last week, performing a half hour set in the glorious St Mary’s Church. Following this, they were lucky enough to listen to and then take part in a Q&A session with the pupils of the internationally renowned Yehudi Menuhin School, who told […]

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6th July 2022