December 2019 - Perrott Hill

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Prize Giving

Prize Giving at Perrott Hill is always a triumphant occasion and this year’s ceremonies (Pre-Prep on Friday and Prep on Saturday) were fit to bursting with achievement and success. Congratulations to the prize winners and to all our pupils for the progress they have shown this term, both individually and as teams. The celebrations ended […]

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17th December 2019

The Christmas Show

This year’s Christmas Show was a cracker, with everything from Strictly Come Prancing to Harry and Kai’s hilarious newsreader sketch. We’re still laughing! It was a real treat to see so many OPHs in the audience (shout out to Rafe for helping with the photography) and well done to all the children and staff who […]

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17th December 2019

School Elections

We were delighted to welcome BBC Somerset to the hustings for our school general election yesterday, as five pupils battled it out on behalf of their chosen political party. Very well done to Anton, Ronnie, Ruby, Evie and Sebastian for delivering thoughtful and passionate responses to questions on everything from the economy and education to Brexit and […]

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13th December 2019

Latin Revision at Perrott

Latin revision with a difference! The Year 8s had great fun playing their own handmade board games in Latin this week – but there was a catch. In order to take their turn, they had to answer a Latin question (taken from this term’s mock exams) correctly. Quis Latinam esse tediosam dixit… Gratias, Magister Patrick.

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13th December 2019

Care Home Carols

Our singers, musicians and boarders paid a return visit to the residents of the West Abbey Care Home in Yeovil last week, for a wonderful evening of carols. It was magical to see the residents singing along with the children – and well done to those who performed solos. Many thanks to Madame Brooks, Mr […]

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11th December 2019

Pre-Prep Nativity

The biggest well done to our amazing Pre-Prep children, who shone like stars in last week’s nativity. From the stellar acting and incredible singing (shout out to Mary and Joseph!) to the hilarious performances from the French visitors, the snoring shepherds and the dancing sheep, every child performed their role with aplomb. Many thanks to […]

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11th December 2019

Recycled Fashion Show

Pupils in Years 3-6 turned old newspapers into clothes for a Recycled Fashion Show this week, to celebrate a fantastic term of learning in Eco Club. From ballgowns to warrior outfits, the creativity on display was awesome! Big thanks to Mrs Layfield for providing bags of inspiration throughout the year.

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11th December 2019

Year 5 French Competition

Year 5 took part in the annual French sandwich making competition last week, following a recipe with instructions en français to create their masterpieces. Well done to Tilly for her winning sandwich (very neat triangles and creatively stacked!), and to runners up Alice, Henry, Rose K and Ruby for their efforts. Très bonne application et […]

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6th December 2019

Boarders’ Activity Weekend

The dorms were decked with holly on Saturday for our Christmas activity weekend, complete with handmade advent calendars, games in the Sports Hall and hot chocolate with a Christmas film. Big thanks to Miss Myott, Mr Edgar, Miss Hand, Mr Percival, Mr Whalley and Miss Gibson for such a brilliant weekend of fun, along with […]

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6th December 2019