May 2019 - Perrott Hill

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House Music Competition

Last week’s House Music Competition was a roaring success, with an array of impressive solo and House performances. Very well done to all the children but especially to Darcy and Anton for their prodigious pieces on the harp and the accordion respectively, to Blackdowns for their winning House performance of the Beatles’ Hey Jude (which […]

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28th May 2019

Bugfest in EYFS

Our youngest children in Nursery and Reception enjoyed a wonderful morning of mini (and not so mini!) beasts, courtesy of the brilliant Nick from Bugfest. As well as handling a variety of stick insects and bugs such as the darkling beetle and the giant African millipede, they got to look at and learn about a range […]

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28th May 2019

Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies

Very well done to our Year 4 and 5 children for a stellar production of ‘Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies’. The acting was superb, the musicians and singers were amazing and the comic timing from the entire cast was incredible. We are still laughing… The biggest thanks to all the staff involved and especially to […]

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28th May 2019

High School Musical Jr

Year 8 started their Common Entrance exams last week with papers in mental arithmetic and French speaking and listening; they’re now studying hard ahead of the main set of exams in June. Last week, they took a welcome break to watch the performance of High School Musical Jr at Queen’s College, Taunton – and they were […]

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20th May 2019

Year 5 History Trip

Year 5 enjoyed a fascinating visit to Hooke Court recently. Their morning was devoted to a study of life in Tudor times, with a host of hands-on activities including cookery, purse making and writing with a goose quill. They loved dressing up in period finery, too! Many thanks to Mr Silk and all the staff […]

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20th May 2019


Years 3 to 6 have been getting to grips with beekeeping this term, as part of our brilliant extra-curricular activities programme. As well as visiting the hives, inspecting the frames and using the smoker to deter any errant bees, they’ve been checking up on the queen and learning to distinguish between the worker bees and […]

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20th May 2019

Boarding Innovation Award

Huge congratulations to our friends at Brighton College for winning the Boarding Innovation Award (and the Boarding Extension Award) at last week’s BSA Awards. We might not have taken home the trophy, but what an achievement to be one of only three schools shortlisted – and alongside the giants, Brighton College and Cheltenham College, too! […]

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16th May 2019

Mindfulness in Forest School

Amongst all the whittling, sawing and fire lighting in Forest School, Years 1 and 2 took a mindful moment to appreciate the many different sights and sounds in the woods yesterday. This is part of a school-wide discussion about the uplifting effects of nature, in support of Mental Health Awareness Week this week.

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16th May 2019

Year 7 Debate

Last week saw the final debate in this year’s school calendar – and what a corker it was! Year 7 were contesting the motion, ‘This house believes every child should experience life in a different country’, with strong arguments put forward by both sides. Well done to all the pupils who took part and a […]

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16th May 2019

Shortlisted for a BSA Boarding Award

We are delighted to announce that Perrott Hill has been shortlisted for the Boarding Innovation Award at next week’s BSA (Boarding Schools’ Association) Awards. We are one of only three schools in the country to be shortlisted for this award, alongside Brighton College and Cheltenham College, so this is big news – and is testament […]

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3rd May 2019