January 2019 - Perrott Hill

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Biathlon Success

‪Very well done to brothers Harry and George, who have qualified for the British Schools’ Modern Biathlon Championships 2019. Well done to you both – and good luck in March!

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28th January 2019

Reading in the Pre-Prep

Every week, our senior pupils go down to the Pre-Prep to help the younger children with their reading. It’s such a joy to see, and helps both the older and the younger pupils grow in confidence. As Old Perrott Hillian Daisy, who is now Head Girl at Taunton School, told us recently: “Reading to the […]

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28th January 2019

Carymoor Trip for Eco Team

Our Eco Team visited Carymoor Environmental Trust last week, which is one of Somerset’s two landfill sites. It is home to 48 years’ worth of rubbish, some of which will take thousands of years to decompose. ‘Standing on huge hills with 15 metres of rubbish beneath you is a real eye-opener,’ said Mr Coverdale, our […]

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28th January 2019

Open Morning

We always look forward to welcoming families to our wonderful school and this week is no exception! Come along to our Open Morning on Friday 25th January to see the school in action – from our eco-build Music School on the edge of the woods to our incredible sports facilities and Forest School. Please contact Camilla […]

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22nd January 2019

Hockey Training for Years 2 to 4

Our Saturday morning hockey training has now started back up and is open to all children in Years 2 to 4 from Perrott Hill and surrounding schools. The training takes place every Saturday during term time from 8.30am to 10am and costs £2.50 per week. Please email admissions@perrotthill.com for further info and booking.

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22nd January 2019

Understanding the World

Our Nursery and Reception children have been looking at the best of British, as part of their topic work on ‘Understanding the World.’ There were lots of happy faces when they got to take part in a traditional afternoon tea recently!

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22nd January 2019

ABRSM Results

Very well done to all our pupils who took ABRSM exams last term across a range of instruments (cello, violin, piano, harp, trumpet, horn and voice). Every child passed with an impressive 90% being awarded a Merit or a Distinction. A fantastic set of results, well done to you all.

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22nd January 2019

Our new Heads of School

Introducing our Head Boy, Stanley, Head Girl, Lily, and Prefects for this term. Our Heads of School are appointed in recognition of their personal qualities and efforts and, following their first meeting with Mr McCullough and Mr Silk this week, the team are raring to represent the school. Well done to you all.

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16th January 2019

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all our families and friends, from all of us here at Perrott Hill. We’ve enjoyed a bustling INSET programme this week and are looking forward to welcoming the children back on Monday.

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11th January 2019